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Search Engine Optimisation, or for short SEO, is a proccess of designing, coding, programming and scripting of Your website so it would have a better rank on web browsers. The main task of SEO is to make sure that your website gets ranked on Google and other search engines through constant work on implementing the desired keywords in relation to your website content.
Why is SEO so important?
A great percentage of people, are surfing the Internet via web browsers. After putting up the search results, almost 90% of people take a look only to the first or the second page. That is the reason SEO exists. The goal is to reach a high rank on web browsers, by better optimisation, and as a result you'll have much more new visitors.
What are meta tags?
Meta tags are a part of HTML code that can be seen only by a person who specifically looks for it. They cannot be searched for directly via browsers. Meta tags are used for providing information to browser bots, such as spiders and crawlers. The information they provide are keywords, page description, page title. Some browsers do not use this information, but most of them do.
Spiders, crawlers, robots...
"Spiders", "crawlers" and "robots" are Internet bots that are used by browsers to scan websites and get information about the content of the scanned sites. This information is indexed in great databases and analyzed later.

Is SEO complicated?
No, but it takes a lot of work and patience. By work we mean making changes on every page that is written in HTML code, which can take a lot of time. And having patience is crucial, since one needs to follow the results of page optimisation on browsers.
What is organic SEO?
This term is often used to describe the process of optimizing a website for organic search and achieving the highest positions on search engines. This process subsumes following and implementing a vast number of rules prescribed by search engines so that websites can get a good position in the SERP in a natural way.
DID YOU KNOW: Google prescribed more than 200 rules and guidelines which every website needs to follow in order to obtain high ranking positions. [...]
Some of the organic techniques involve writing relevant, quality content, keyword analysis and keyword usage within a natural (con)text, link building techniques, etc.
What are white-hat SEO techniques?
White-hat SEO technique is a term which refers to the use of strategies and tactics aimed at people, not search engines, along with the application of rules and instructions given by the search engines. White-hat SEO includes, among other techniques, using suitable keywords in web page content and description, obtaining links from authoritative sites, as well as the creation of quality content for website visitors.
What are black-hat SEO techniques?
Black-hat SEO is a term which denotes the application of various prohibited techniques whose sole purpose is to manipulate the search engine and achieve results. Some of these techniques and tactics include keyword stuffing in page content and description, using irrelevant keywords within a context, adding content which is invisible to page visitors but still visible to the crawlers, as well as page swapping, which subsumes replacing the entire web page content with some other text to help it rank better in the SERP.
These techniques should be used when you want long-term results and high rankings in the SERP, whereas black-hat usually brings a fast financial gain via website, without taking care of long-term consequences.

How long does it take to improve website rankings?
Generally speaking, search engine algorithms usually get updated at least once a month. Besides that, bots and spiders crawl websites two weeks before that, which ultimately makes the process last for 6-8 weeks. Some search engines, such as Google, do it frequently. Additionally, websites which get updated repeatedly (once or many times during the day) are crawled by bots much more frequently so changes can be visible even within 24 hours.
New in SEO? What to do when your freshly launched site is not visible on Google? Learn how to optimize your web newborn by following our easy checklist for beginners.
Are SEO services expensive?
The price of SEO varies, and largely depends on the company, as well as the types of services which are included. If you think of the positions your website is to take in the search engine will bring more visits to your website, as well as interest in your products and services, and likewise more business opportunities and gaining more profit, then the prices are never too high. Depending on the business you are in, SEO ROI can be multiplied and generate more profit along with stable positions in the long run. SEO can bring you profit constantly, without having to invest more assets.

Order SEO services for your website
Are you in need of search engine optimization because you want to rank on Google, Yahoo, Bing or Yandex? What does SEO entail exactly? Do you have a lot of questions but no one to ask? Our SEO consultants will answer your every question gladly and explain what it takes for your website to improve visibility and reach higher positions in the Google SERP. Let us create your new digital image together!